Wedgwood House Dental Practice
Wedgwood House Dental Practice

Patient Questionnaire (paper based)

Everyone likes to have good feedback.  But when things need fixing or you believe there is a better way of doing something, we are always willing to listen.  Your feedback is important to us.


When visiting our dental practice, you will have the opportunity to complete a paper based Patient Questionnaire form.  A copy of such a form can be found below (example for medical staff present in June 2024). 

Anti-Virus checked (clear) by John Geaney, 3/6/2024
CQC5_WHDP Patient questionnaire V26.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [254.2 KB]

Alternatively you can use the electronic feedback form.


Dr J. M. Geaney

Wedgwood House Dental Practice

Bury Street 100, Stowmarket, IP14 1HF

Our new website tells you all about our services. If you want to get in touch with us, phone us on +44 (0)1449 771 700 to make or update an appointment.

In this practice we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service.  Should you have a complaint, then please FIRST write to Dr J M Geaney the practice Proprietor.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.
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